Saturday, January 27, 2018

I suppose these are a bit late but I wanted to write down my resolutions for next year mainly as a way to remind myself to keep coming back to them, even if I let myself slip a few months in. They are realistic resolutions (my favorite kind); small in scope, do-able and yet somehow they'll still take a bit of dedication to keep up with. So without further ado, 2018 will be the year I ...
1) Finish my book (My motto for this year: I don't care if it's any good, just that it's done.) 
2) Join a writing group 
3) Read at least 25 books (and one in Spanish)
4) Continue rock climbing / salsa dancing
5) Keep up with this space here 
6) Call senators / representatives once a week (failing at this now but will keep trying to make it a habit) 
7) Floss every day 
8) Save what I can 
9) Join a CSA 
10) Bring a resusable water bottle everywhere I go (currently on a very slow journey to being less wasteful)
I would love to have a buy nothing year next year and just work at an aggressive savings goal but with a move coming up (details soon!) I know that it's not realistic for 2018. Regardless, for now there's lots to do, lots to look forward to, especially being that in three days I will be heading to Mexico for a month-long writing residency to work as hard as I can on goal number one. 

Of course there will also be plenty of moments this next month where I'm working less hard, drinking fresh squeezed papaya juice in the Oaxacan sun, which I am also very much looking forward to. Hasta pronto, friends.


Anonymous said...

Joining a writer group is on my list, too. Though, I always hesitate. Will it take up too much of my precious writing time? Will the writers be helpful? Will I be helpful? I can't wait to hear what you decide and where you go. A writing sabbatical in Mexico sounds delicious.

Sally said...

@Amy, yes! I've written on my own for so long that I'm desperately craving a writing community. I'm going to join a local group but also might look into AWP's mentorship program ( and see which one I prefer.

Good luck on finding a group as well!