Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Like so many, I am overwhelmed by the news these days. To try and cope, I've been thinking of the Women's March after Trump's inauguration. I think of the visual I saw, the sheer number of people taking to the streets. It is the only thing that seems hopeful while scrolling through the news online, alone and heartbroken. I try and remind myself of the magnitude of the resistance, and this visual tells me I'm not alone in feeling this way. I may in fact be in the majority. It's my source of energy when things get bleak, a hopeful reminder that the pendulum can very well swing the other way if we keep doing the work. (God, I hope.)

Some other thoughts as of lately:

I moved recently, and with a new place to explore, a book I'm trying to write, lots to do on the resistance front and a myriad of other personal goals, I feel like I need to take a step back and cut some things from my to-do list. Something's gotta give but I'm not sure what (right now, the World Cup is getting nixed. Haven't watch a game yet, oof, which hurts). It's a silly problem to have but honestly, it's hard to know what I should I focus on, and inevitably what I should I stop focusing on (does my novel get put on the back burner for now?), but it feels necessary at the moment.

My mind, just in general, has been a bit all over the place since the move. I find myself feeling content and eager and yet also nolstagic and stressed all at once. It's normal, I suppose, and so I just breathe through it and then get myself to the mountains when I can. Even if there are a lot of things in my life that are a big question mark, I live near the mountains, which feels like enough of an answer for now.

Lastly, I don't know when this blog just turned into random thoughts about things in my head I but I feel slightly okay with it because a) this is really just a random experiment for me and b) I stumbled on writer Mari Huertas' instagram recently and her posts reminded that there's a lot to be gained from a snapshot of one's emotions. Every Friday, she jots down a few thoughts from the week. A photo along with some honest, albeit vague, thoughts about what's going on in one's head seems like a wonderful way to Instagram or blog or bring about your art or whatever. 

I'm just hoping this is still somewhat enjoyable for you, as it is for me. 

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