Ugh. This March weather has mirrored my life these past weeks: glorious rays of sunshine in between weeks of bitter winds and snowfall that at this point, just makes you want stomp your feet and throw a little tantrum. I've never expected anything else of March, or I guess of life either, but it's just been a bit up and down lately.
But about those rays of sunshine. A seventy degree day the other week reminded me that it's almost spring (I know technically it already is but I just don't buy it), which means I have the blossoming of trees and opening of windows to look forward to. Also, I can't stop gushing over this photo that came up on Twitter last week. Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, the organization where I worked last year, brought in a group of kiddos from their Guatemalan home to Chicago for a fundraising tour. The group happened to visit while Guatemalan megastar Ricardo Arjona was touring the U.S. and playing a sold out show at the Allstate Arena. NPH surprised the kids with tickets and talked to Ricardo Arjona's entourage, who then ended up inviting the kids to move up to the front row for the show and head back stage afterwards, where someone then snapped this glorious photo. It seriously melts my heart.
Other than that though, it's hard to figure out what to divulge here. I have no desire to say anything too personal but at the same time want to shout out to the interwebs that I've discovered the DivaCup this week and feel like my life has been changed (I mean, talk about personal). No more Walgreens runs! An eco-friendly solution! So much money to be saved! I wish I could find an environmentally sound shampoo and conditioner that did the trick as well but alas, I think I'll have to stick to my Pantene Pro-V for now. It's strange though because these are not the true trials and tribulations of my life; I guess just the ones I wish to write about here.
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